Research Center

GTJASVN_MBB EquityReport_2024 AGM Update_April2024



On April 19, 2024, MBB held the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders with some key highlights as follows:

2023 dividend payment plan: Expected dividend payment in 2023 at a rate of 20%; including 5% cash dividends and 15% stock dividends. Expected implementation time is 2024.

Business plan 2024 and long term:

·         Credit: growth target of 15-16%; Bad debt ratio is controlled below 2%, capital adequacy ratio complies with Basel II, at a minimum of 9%.

·         Profit before tax: PBT increased by 6-8%, corresponding to a range of VND 27,884 billion – VND 28,410 billion. In the period 2024 – 2029, the Bank plans an average profit growth of about 12%/year

·         2024 total assets growth: target increase of 13%, or nearly 1.068 million billion VND by the end of 2024, becoming the next bank to surpass the milestone of 1 million billion VND after the Big 4 group. Period of 2024 – 2029, the average growth target is about 14%/year.

·         Dividend payment plan: The dividend payment rate in 2024 is expected to be 10 – 20%, while the average in the next 5 years will be 15 – 20%/year.

·         Capital increase plan: Increase charter capital by 620 billion VND through private issuance of 62 million shares. Previously, MBB completed the private issuance of 73 million shares to two shareholders, SCIC and Viettel. MBB’s charter capital is expected to increase to 61,643 billion VND.

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